10:09 pm (a bit sleepy )
18.5 degree
today i have a very wonderful pice of work of watase yuu that is the absolute boyfriend. the comic has touch my heart in the sence of emotion and the thing that have been writen on the comic. the comic write of a girl hav no boyfriend and every time she ask any1 out they would rejet on her . later she found a thing oh i mean a sales man and gave her a url of the shop . later her have stupidly hav odered a guy from the internet . the guy look so cute and so talented , then tha guy hav free trial and after that she have to pay for him .... and more read your own but the ending of the story is such a sad one . if u really want to know wat happen !! . the main idea of telling this is i have a question that boded me so long, wheni start reading this comic ti
ll the end of it . if any of this did happen to me then this is quiet a fabulous moment .wat if the internet add is real? wat if there is a guy that will love u so much that he can risk his life to safe u? wat if this guy that u like know how u feel of him and he have a gf ? wat if the comic book advanture came true to be a reality ? wat wauold happen to u if all this did really happen ?? so many question marks and so many thing to think . on my opinion , that if this internet do really have in the reality i will oder me a bf no matter wat it cost . i will do wat every to pay the bill of the cost . if there is a guy that really love u and save u wif out knowing how dangeres it is by jus saving u from the thinh or anyone .