June 26, 2009

Sad Story the Whole World Talking

26 june 2009
24 degrees
this is a very sad story for almost the entier world. Micheal Jackson's death is a very shocking one. RIP Micheal Jackson. the thing that made me rite this blog is that the life is very weak. life can be gone just in a sec. i really wanted every one to know that know matter wat you do you must love evrey one that you love and must respect the one that has been loved. do not jus think that you love that peorson do some thing wif them. like have fun with them and have a good time.
i have heard this from some one it said
' love someone when there is a chance , if you do not do anything you will regert one day that you have not done any thing '
rip Micheal Jackson
god bless you
we all will miss you
your music will still be a life

June 17, 2009

The dance of my life

17 june 2009,
10:57 (should be sleeping )
24 degree
today is the most mamorable day of my life. i really did a very great job i think . em this show is about the clasissic music they called is the classic album night. that nite was the most interesteing nite of all my life actually there are two nites the first nite my mum came she did not say much about the show cos she does not like the live band that is behind the dancers. actually in the both nites i have learnt lots first thing that i have learnt is that all the friends must hepl each other in the .... to be continue

June 8, 2009

Ha ha gud profile!!!

8 may 2009,
5:00 pm (waiting to go shopping )
23.5 degree
today i only receive my profile for the first day, the profile seem very nice on all the comment the teach made is the best and i have not know that the teacher here would give such a lovely comment on me.after that day my form teacher said that there is a tea celebration. i think thats all for now .

June 5, 2009

hate hate hate !!!

5 may 2009,
10:30 pm( is friday can stay later ),
21.7 degree
do u know why girl hate boys so much ?? any one knows why ?? i know why becasue the boys are stupid (that word is very 'hash' to us to a guy), guys like to be so incredibly horrible . the thing is that to day when i am buying my things or can is a food 1 stupid guy jus so damn stupid that the guy's brain is on his butt that he can not think that this place is a skol i think that thins fucking guy will be fucked by 10 guys ( that is gay ) and die after that . i cant believe that i did not scream but i jus looked at sumone behind me and i did not do any thing or hit him or do anything . em to all my friends and strangers who reads my blog please for give me wif the words i us because i am really mad now . i jus cant tell to anyone so i am jus letting all my feelings out in my blog , this is the place that i can let out my feelings . thanks !!