15 july 2009 7:22 pm
21 degree
hais today is the last day of my first ever work experience . i really hope not to go skol tomorrow so painful and tiring hais. help really dun wan to go skol. oh em the work experience is really really great.
the first day,6th of july i went to a theater and have lots of fun and kinda tiring.that day is for the shine week, the week is that they celebrate the most talented people in the world.
the second day,7th of July i went to skol really late because on the 6th july i staid there too late and i just made something up just for a few minutes.
8th of juy 9th, 10th, 13rd and 14th are really boring.
on the14th, 15th and 16th are really fun the few day in my skol we have a discovery day and i have lots of dun !! haha