November 28, 2010

classic album night !!

i had a very nervous and fun nite with Jazz, Ella and Joe
we started rehesals straight after school thats about 4 pm
its sooo cold OMG ... i really hate cold weater,  
when my sir call us to reharsal ...we legged to the to the hall 
ohh and i break my shoe before the actual peformance

love Jazz and Mr Ashworth to let me be in the classic alblum nite pefromance
thanks to both of you

November 13, 2010

this one of my story of love

there are onli 2 main characters in this story
there is a girl R-loves her bf very much and thinks alot waaayyy too much
there is a boy K-loves his gf very very much and scare to loose his gf

Title is '
this story starts about 1 year ago, they met on a social website that is the ********. They started their relationship with a friendship. They started talking to each other with a quetion. That quetion is from a application,'Name one thing you wish to knew about K?'
R answered 'Him'
with no expectation she recive a reply form the guy. R was so surprised because she did not know K will reply her... ( the details are nt very relevent to be relevent to be publish becox its R and K little secret) they have been talking to each other for couple of months before K decided to tell his love to R. they continue to be friend for thoses days. One day, K decided to confess his love to R. She was touched by his confession althought its nt a very romantic one. the confession is feel with honesty and inoccent. K says that he will wait for R to go back to M country to be with K for ever. they are so happy and loved. every weekend they were so happy and have a big laugh over alot of things (from everyday life things, to silly questions and other things). Recantly, these days they not have so many laughter. they have so many arguement over things. they had arguement of small matters and other not very important things. they have been argue a bout R being with other guy and other things such as R not going back to M country. K fear that R will not going back to M country. Few days, later R decided to seperate from K becos R thinks that there is no ponit of being with K anymore since R thinks that K do not trust her anymore. They are still arguing about that now. And they are seperated from each other. R still love him becoz R trust him and still loved him being honest and loyal to R. the Writer still does not know the ending to this story becos the writer is waiting for the answer from a person.
Do K still trust R?
What other fear does K have?
Are they trusting each other as much as before?
Do they love each other anymore?
Is their relationship broken in someway?
Can anyone help them to fix these relationship?
P.S this do not refer to the writers opinion. please do not refer anyone. if anyone that know about this story please do not specify it becoz i do not want the main characters to think too much and think about things that is no relevent